인트로 이미지

Property Overview

남서측 메인 입구 남서측 전경
Category Property overview
Address 10550 Ella Blvd, Houston, TX 77067
Land Area 68.87 Acres
Lease Area 856,605 SF
Building Coverage Ratio 28.6%
Parking Spaces 2,667 spaces for vehicles / 189 spaces for trailers
Tenant Amazon.com Services, Inc. (Lease guarantee: Amazon.com Inc)
Lease Commencement July 15, 2017
Lease Expiry July 31, 2032
Extension Options Four 5-year extensions available (maximum expiry on July 31, 2052)
Lease Type NNN (tenant is responsible for property taxes, maintenance fees, and insurance premiums)
Rent Increase 1.50% annually
Early Termination Clause None

Regional Analysis (Macro)

Houston, TX: Investing in a Major City in the Rapidly Growing Sun-Belt Region

Located in Texas, which is known for its mild climate and business-friendly environment, Houston is attracting a growing population and wealth.

·The second most populous state in the United States (approximately 30 million people as of the end of 2023), which saw a growth of 18.9% from 2010 to 2023.

·Texas attracts businesses by eliminating personal income tax and implementing corporate-friendly deregulation policies.

·The state's relatively low land use regulations allow companies to quickly establish production facilities, making it a preferred location for businesses.

Houston, the largest city in Texas, has consistently recorded steady population growth.

·Houston has a population of 2.32 million, making it the fourth-largest city in the United States and the largest in Texas. From 2010 to 2023, it experienced a significant growth rate of 11.0%.

·Based on a diversified industrial structure including trade/transportation, healthcare, tourism, and manufacturing, Houston achieved a low unemployment rate of 3.6% as of the end of 2019. Despite an increase in unemployment due to COVID-19, it has rapidly recovered, recording an unemployment rate of 3.8% as of April 2024.

지난해 대규모 텍사스 이전 · 투자 사례 지난해 대규모 텍사스 이전 · 투자 사례
As one of the preferred destinations among major companies for relocation, attracting investments from US investors.

·Continued demand for regional office openings and expansions by global corporations and small to medium-sized tech firms.

·Fortune 500 companies like HP, Oracle, and Tesla completed relocations (2020).

·Over the past three years, approximately 20 companies have relocated, including Boring Company, an industrial firm owned by Elon Musk, and SpaceX (2022); West Wood, an investment firm with assets totaling $22 trillion (2023); and Q5iD HQ, a tech company specializing in facial recognition technology (2023).

·With various growth factors like these, Texas has been selected as one of CBRE's Next 10 Tech Markets.

Source: CBRE/JLL Research, US Census Bureau, Moody’s Analytics, Maeil Business Newspaper, Office of the Governor(Texas)

Location Analysis (Micro)

A Sortable Fulfillment logistics asset with excellent accessibility to transportation:

·The property is located adjacent to the I-45 highway, which connects inland Texas (towards Dallas) and is in close proximity to the I-69, traversing the Midwest and Northeast of the United States, ensuring exceptional accessibility.

·From the property to downtown Houston, it's approximately 25km (20 minutes by car), and to Houston International Airport, it's around 15km (15 minutes by car), making it a prime location for a logistics hub.

입지분석 지도
입지분석 이미지 입지분석 이미지 입지분석 이미지 입지분석 이미지

Tenant Overview

Amazon, the world's largest e-commerce company, with a credit rating of AA (S&P), has entered into a long-term lease.

·Amazon is the world's largest e-commerce and cloud computing company, with a market capitalization of approximately $1.9 trillion and a credit rating of AA (S&P).

·With diverse revenue streams from e-commerce, third-party logistics (3PL), and the cloud computing division (AWS), Amazon maintains a strong outlook for sustained growth through business diversification and financial stability.

·Amazon has been recording stable growth with a 5-year average CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of around 20%.

Category Content
Company Name Amazon
Founding Date July 1994
Headquarters Location Seattle, Washington, USA
Listed on NASDAQ (Ticker: AMZN)
Market Capitalization $1.9 trillion (as of May '24)
Annual Revenue $574 billion (As of ’23)
Number of Employees 1,521,000 (as of ’24)
Corporate Credit Rating AA(S&P)
Major Business (Revenue Share) 주요 사업 그래프 주요 사업 그래프

Source: Amazon Company Filings

The Key Financial figures for Amazon over the past 5 years. (Unit: $ million)
Category 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total Assets 225,248 321,195 420,549 462,675 527,854
Liabilities 163,188 227,791 282,304 316,632 325,979
Equity 62,060 93,404 138,245 146,043 201,875
Revenue 280,522 386,064 469,822 513,983 574,785
Operating Income 14,541 22,899 24,879 12,248 36,852
Net Income 11,588 21,331 33,364 (2,722) 30,425
매출액 그래프 매출액 그래프

Boasting overwhelming scale and growth potential

·As of January 2023, Amazon holds a dominant market share of nearly 40% among top e-commerce companies in the United States. This strong position is supported by an extensive logistics infrastructure, which is expected to help Amazon maintain its high market share continuously.

·Although Amazon's operating profit plummeted in 2022 due to factors such as the decline in the stock price of Rivian, the electric vehicle company it invested in, it steadily recovered, achieving an approximately 201% increase in operating profit in 2023 compared to the previous year. Except for 2022, Amazon has consistently maintained an operating margin above 5%, demonstrating excellent financial health.

임차인 현황 그래프 임차인 현황 그래프

Source: statista(USA), S&P Global, Amazon IR